Independent gear reviews of the best equipment and kit for camping, whether with the family, wild camping, lightweight camping or on expeditions including tents, stoves, sleeping mats, sleeping bags, lanterns, seating, cool boxes and more.
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We brewed endless cups of tea on hillsides to properly test this MSR Windburner stove. It was hell, but we managed.

We review Vaude's three-season Arctic 800 mummy sleeping bag to see if its as good at keeping out the wet as it is...

We review MSR's second generation wind-defying camping stove, the Windburner

We put the Snugpak Special Forces Bivvi bag to the test, read the review here.

The Exped Synmat UL is a pared down version of the regular Synmat, with less insulation, and thinner, less durable...

We test the hugely popular MSR Hubba NX 1p backpacking tent, read the review here.

Let's face it, the UK is a damp place. So if you want to sleep here you will need a sleeping bag that can cope. Filled...

Headtorches aren't always the most sociable lighting, so we grabbed one of these Fenix CL25R lanterns to test just how...

There was no shortage of willing helpers to test this MSR Hubba Tour 2 man tent through the hills of Scotland. We...

There was only one way to test the Alpkit Dumo sleeping mat. Sleeping, and lots of it. We did just that and report...

We put Thermarest's Speed Valve technology to the test on their Trail King SV sleeping mat.

Can a sleeping mat as small as a hot dog when packed possibly be comfortable to sleep on? We test the Sea to Summit...

We review Snugpak's self-inflating sleeping mat, the Travelite, find out what we thought.

We put the updated Black Diamond ReVolt headlamp to the test.

The Leki Chiller is a super stable camping chair that's light enough to chuck into a pack, read our full review here.